This is a scientific journal reporting on research in aquatic disciplines related to fisheries. IJFS is published four times per annum under permission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Research papers on fisheries and fishery-related subjects will be considered for publication. All material submitted must be original and unpublished works. Three categories of papers are considered for publication: “Original research papers”, “Short communications” and “Reviews”.
Result of the living various species (contains animals and vegetal species) in various aquatic ecosystems, methods of propagation and culture of high value aquatic resources, pollutant agents and their effects to the environments of aquatic species, feeding, health and diseases of aquatic species, Research on fish processing and producing new products, approaching the best protection and stocks recovering and sustainable exploitation from live resources and finally economic and social aspects of fisheries are the main scopes of the journal.
The journal has been published since 1999 by the Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI) , Iran.
Pages 177-191
R. Zarkami; M. Nazari Nezhad; A. Abedini; R. Sadeghi Pasvisheh
Pages 193-207
S. Valipour; P. Ghavam Mostafavi; M.H. Shahhosseiny; F. Kaymaram
Pages 209-226
M. Ghorbanpour Delavar; S. Ghobadi; S. Vatandoust; H. Manouchehri; R. Changizi
Pages 227-243
H. Moin; B. Tooba; M. Nawaz; D.A. Feroz; R. Hadi
Pages 245-258
S.M. Joghataei; D. Nikaein; A. Erfanmaensh; M.S. Moradi
Pages 259-275
J. Shokouhi; A. Askary Sary; M. Chelemal Dezfoulnejad; M. Khodadadi; S.Z. Masoomizadeh
Pages 277-304
Q.T. Vu; T.D. Pham; V.Q. Nguyen
Pages 305-331
M. Asghari; S. Yeganeh; M. Hafezieh
Pages 333-351
A. Sadeghpour; S. Jamili; H. Khara; A. Mashinchian; S. Jamshidi
Pages 353-363
A. Bozorgchenani; M.S. Alavi Yeganeh; H.R. Esmaeili; S. Eagderi
Pages 365-383
M. Ghiasi; H. Fazli; H. Nasrollahzadeh Saravi; A. Hemati