Population structure, growth and reproduction properties of barbel (Barbus plebejus Bonaparte, 1832) living in Çığlı stream, Van, Turkey



This study was carried out to determine population structure, growth and reproduction properties of barbel. A total of 198 individuals were sampled. Ages of samples were found between I and VI years, fork lengths between 4.3 and 16.6 cm and total weights between 1.2 and 65.8 g. Length-weight relationship was calculated as W=0.0146×L2.934. Munro’s phi prime index was estimated as 1.95, L∞ as 26.42 cm W∞ as 216.92 g, and condition factor as 1.265±0.01. First sexual maturation was determined in 6.0-6.9 cm-group males, and second sexual maturity was recorded in 10.0-10.9 cm-group females. Individual fecundity was defined between 568 and 4171 eggs/female and relative fecundity was calculated as 64964.55±5855.49 eggs/kg female. Barbel did not show good growth and reproduction performance in the stream, because of fishing pressure.
